公司名称与丰田汽车名近似 莱克萨斯无奈换名



  Mr Paul Rogers, CEO of Lexxus International, announced the new name of Lexxus International, on Friday March 15th. Over 1000 independent distributors from all over the world were gathered in Dallas, Texas for the company's annual convention. The new name, NHT Global was announced and met with a standing ovation by those present.


  NHT Global (Lexxus International) is a 5 year old subsidiary of a 15 year old publicly traded company called Natural Health trends, trading under the ticker symbol BHIP on the main board of the Nasdaq.

  “NHT Global(即莱克萨斯国际)”是一个成立仅5年的子公司,其母公司是有着15年历史的大众贸易公司——Natural Health trends,该公司的股票在纳斯达克上市,交易代码为BHIP。

  The name change was prompted by a lawsuit brought against the company from Toyota Motor Corporation, as it was felt to be too similar to the car called Lexus. (


  This company has not been without it's share of challenges, which included an injunction by Phizer over the name of the product viacreme (now Alura), and "illegal pyramid" claims in Asia. Despite these, and many other challenges, Mr Rogers noted that NHT Global continues to grow at an incredible rate, and is predicted (and on target) to be a $Billion company by the year 2010. "Challenges that have brought many companies to bankruptcy have only strengthened us. We have proven that we can face any obstacle and win. That's what leaders do.", stated Mr. Rogers.

  这并不是公司面临的唯一挑战,Phizer公司同样禁止lexxus的一款产品使用viacreme (现名 Alura)的名称,还有在亚洲的“非法金字塔”索赔事件。尽管如此,罗杰斯仍声称NHT Global将保持难以置信的增长率,并预计在2010年成长为一个资产达到10亿美元的公司。他说,“挑战导致很多公司破产,但只会鼓舞我们的斗志。我们曾经证明,我们能面对困难并获得胜利。这就是企业领袖的使命。”

  NHT Global is a direct sales company that does business in 35 countries around the world, and is on track to extend that figure to 50 countries by the year 2010. In there first 4 years in business, under the name Lexxus International, the company reported sales of over $250,000, and year 5 brought the total sales figure to nearly a half $Billion.

  目前,NHT Global在全世界35个国家开展直销业务,公司计划在2010年前将业务拓展到50个国家。在以Lexxus International名称开展业务的前四年里,公司的销售额只有大约25万美元,但在第五年,公司总销售额接近5亿美元。


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